Back Pain

Back Pain Treatment

If you’re a Buffalo, NY, resident suffering from chronic back pain, neck pain, or other musculoskeletal issues, chiropractic adjustments from Dr. Denise with us at Back in Motion Chiropracticwny can help you find relief and can help get back to living your life without constant pain. Chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate neck pain, back pain, and even foot pain. Our chiropractor can also help show you how to prevent recurring pain and avoid future injuries.


Chiropractic Adjustments for Back Pain Relief 

Back pain is one of the most common reasons people seek treatment from a chiropractor. Through careful spinal manipulation and adjustment techniques, Dr. Denise can realign the spine in a way that can help reduce inflammation and correct posture imbalances that may be causing discomfort. By using her hands to adjust the spine manually, she can help restore proper alignment and reduce pressure on nerves that can cause back pain. We also offer therapeutic massage to help get you feeling better quickly. 

Chiropractic Adjustments for Neck Pain Relief 

Neck pain is another common complaint many people experience at some point. This is another type of pain that our chiropractor can help relieve. We can also help show you how to keep the pain from returning. Misalignments of vertebrae might cause neck problems in the cervical spine that press against nerves or cause muscles to become overworked due to poor posture or injury. Through manual spinal manipulation and adjustment techniques, Dr. Denise can help restore proper alignment in the cervical spine and help relieve tension in the neck muscles so you can experience lasting relief from neck pains. 

Trigger Point Therapy & Myofascial Release for Muscular Pain Relief 

At our clinic, Dr. Denise does more than just spinal adjustments; she also offers trigger point therapy and myofascial release treatments, which target specific parts of the body that are causing pain or discomfort due. Using targeted massage techniques on affected areas, Dr. Denise can also help relax tense muscles and can help improve circulation so your body can heal naturally without relying on medications or invasive procedures like surgery. 

Visit Us for More Information

Chiropractic treatments from Back in Motion Chiropracticwny may help effectively relieve chronic back pain, neck pain, and other musculoskeletal conditions through manual spinal manipulations, trigger point therapy, myofascial release treatments, and more. For residents of Buffalo, NY, looking for long-term relief from chronic pains without relying on drugs or surgery, consider making an appointment with Dr. Denise today. Call us at (716) 331-3232 for more information.

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